Snoqualmie River
William E. Elston
Jun 30, 2018
This is another of the images that I had stored on Picasa (Google Photos.) This was done at Bob Pepper's Farm, on the Snoqualmie River. I was with Henk Pander at the time, who is painting with his elaborate watercolor setup just off canvas. His setup includes two medium sized folding card tables, and he works on large, oversize watercolors.
When we were scouting our location, we ran across a dead cow that was beginning to liquefy, and which had a skirt that consisted of millions of maggots. I spoke with Bob Pepper, the owner of the farm, and he told me that he had found the cow in a pond, already dead, and he had used his earth-mover to drag it up into the field, to keep it from further contaminating the water.
This painting is in the collection of Charles and Nancy Palmer. Charles was one of my intstructors when I was a student at Fort Wright College, many, many years ago.
Snoqualmie River, oil on canvas, 9 x 18 inches, copyright c.1998.
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