Work In Progress: The Old Junk Store
William E. Elston
Oct 09, 2018
This is a work in progress, an old junk store in Snohomish WA. I've worked on this over several sessions, usually with students also painting. The traffic is pretty thick, and often parked cars obscure the view of the storefront.
The proprietors frequently add whimsical decorations to attract attention to what is an otherwise little-trafficked end of Main Street. These additions include a skeleton hanging out a window, a Gay 90s couple, complete w/ top hat and bustle, various ghouls, etc. During one session they had positioned a huge wind-sock figure, animated by a loud generator, on the veranda, throwing up its inflated hands.
The Old Junk Store, oil on panel, 24 x 30 inches, work in progress copyright ©2018
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