William E. Elston: A Pacific Northwest Contemporary Realist
William E. Elston
William E. Elston is a Pacific Northwest artist best known for urban and rural landscape subjects. He has been exhibiting in the region for over 50 years. Mr. Elston has also been teaching painting and drawing in the Greater Seattle area for several decades. Currently he offers ongoing classes in painting en plein air, as well as occasional Zoom based critiques and presentations.
Recent Blog Posts
My five most recent posts.
Arrangement in Red, Blue, Black and White
This painting from 1992 depicts a real event in Pioneer Square, Seattle. The incident itself is value neutral. It is impossible to say what is taking place.
View Of Mt. Tahoma
This is a painting that was worked on for 3 successive summers, and then put aside for as many years. It's a subject that never stood still, and I ended up chasing its effects all over the place.
Lake Union
My studio assistant and I were moving paintings into storage and we ran across this work that I'd forgotten about. It was painted on location when I was teaching plein air classes where Lake Union feeds into the ship canal, under the Aurora Bridge.
A Start
Sometimes a new start is abandoned before it really gets going. Then after several months out of sight and mind, it seems to awaken a spark of inspiration. This is just such a beginning. Normally this would be a subject for my Painter's Workshop page, but I thought I would share it on my Home page.
An Old Painting: Tug At Interbay
This painting was done in the late 1980s, when I first started showing at Davidson Galleries. It represents a tugboat moored at Interbay, between Myrtle Edwards Park and Smith Cove Park. We tried to sell it to Foss Inc., who operate a fleet of tugs in Puget Sound, but they would only buy it if the tugboat itself had their logo. It would have made the painting look strange, since the logo would have been illegible at the distance the tugboat is depicted.
If you have an inquiry...
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Questions pertaining to acquiring works, enrolling in classes or workshops, or any related matters can be sent here. Gallery inquiries welcome.