William E. Elston: A Pacific Northwest Contemporary Realist
William E. Elston
William E. Elston is a Pacific Northwest artist best known for urban and rural landscape subjects. He has been exhibiting in the region for over 50 years. Mr. Elston has also been teaching painting and drawing in the Greater Seattle area for several decades. Currently he offers ongoing classes in painting en plein air, as well as occasional Zoom based critiques and presentations.
Recent Blog Posts
My five most recent posts.
Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2019
Early this month I participated in the Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2019 event and exhibition at Maryhill Museum. This was my fourth year, and fortunately was not beset by extreme heat, high winds and a 14,000 sq. mi. grass fire, as per last year.
The 1990s, Early To Mid
Two different circumstances have recently brought me face to face with a number of paintings that I did in the early to mid 1990s. The first was the sale and delivery of a painting (Pilchuck River I) to a couple that have collected several of my paintings at a gallery that once represented me in Portland. The other circumstance was the swapping out of some old inventory for new at the Museum of Northwest Art and Culture (the MAC) Art Resource program, in Spokane WA.
Near San Diego
In 1986, after I had moved to Seattle, I took a trip to see my friend William Dubin in San Diego. I did several paintings there, including a smaller version of this, and then a larger one stretching out the composition. It's a scene near the beach, up the coast a bit. It was hot, and this odd triangular parking lot, out in the middle of nowhere, intriqued me. It's just beyond a railway, and didn't seem to have a purpose.
Spokane Workshop
Before traveling to the Columbia River Gorge for the PNW Plein Air 2018 event, I spent a weekend in Spokane doing a workshop. We painted on Latah Creek and at Manito Pond. This painting was the demo for the Manito Pond session.
Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2018
I will be participating in the Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2018 event in the Columbia River Gorge during the first week of August. The event will culminate in an exhibition at Maryhill Museum, with an opening reception on August 4, 5-7pm.
If you have an inquiry...
Please send a message.
Questions pertaining to acquiring works, enrolling in classes or workshops, or any related matters can be sent here. Gallery inquiries welcome.