William E. Elston: A Pacific Northwest Contemporary Realist
William E. Elston
William E. Elston is a Pacific Northwest artist best known for urban and rural landscape subjects. He has been exhibiting in the region for over 50 years. Mr. Elston has also been teaching painting and drawing in the Greater Seattle area for several decades. Currently he offers ongoing classes in painting en plein air, as well as occasional Zoom based critiques and presentations.
Recent Blog Posts
My five most recent posts.
Olallie Morning
This painting from Olallie State Park was begun on location in the fall of 2021, and finished in the studio in the first month of 2022.
Juanita Beach Park Apunte
I went painting on a Sunday with a few of my students, to Juanita Beach Park in Kirkland WA. It was a hot day that was barely mitigated by shade that we found along the creek.
Work In Progress: The Old Junk Store
This is a work in progress, an old junk store in Snohomish WA. I've worked on this over several sessions, usually with students also painting. The traffic is pretty thick, and often parked cars obscure the view of the storefront.
Winter Lectures Series
I will be offering a series of lecture/demos this winter. They will take place in my studio and will cover the following subjects:
Lecture 1: Painting Really Large in a Really Small Studio
Lecture 2: Studio Practice for the Plein Air Painter
Lecture 3: Realism - Two Hundred Years of Revolution
Off 151st (Snohomish)
This is an alla prima (at one sitting) painting of a favorite view of the Snohomish Valley, above Hwy 2. It's easy to see the level of particulate matter (ppm) in the color of the sky nearest the horizon. It's the smoke. I once read that the pollution around Paris made the Impressionists' skies more interesting. That which doth not kill us makes our paintings stronger.
If you have an inquiry...
Please send a message.
Questions pertaining to acquiring works, enrolling in classes or workshops, or any related matters can be sent here. Gallery inquiries welcome.