

William E. Elston

William E. Elston is a Pacific Northwest artist best known for urban and rural landscape subjects. He has been exhibiting in the region for over 50 years. Mr. Elston has also been teaching painting and drawing in the Greater Seattle area for several decades. Currently he offers ongoing classes in painting en plein air, as well as occasional Zoom based critiques and presentations.

Recent Blog Posts

My five most recent posts.

163 min read

Smokey Joe's in Snoqualmie

I was invited by my friend Mehdi Fallahian to participate in a plein air paint out in Snoqualmie Washington. I encouraged a few of my students, Bin Li, Liz Talley and Min Zhong,  to participate as well.

I drove to the Duvall Park & Ride, where I joined Bin and Min in Bin's truck. We then went off together to the event. As soon as we arrived I knew what I wanted to paint. There was an old boxy tavern named Smokey Joe's, about a block off Railroad Avenue on King Street. I set up across the street, and did the painting alla prima.

pleinair landscape

109 min read

Snoqualmie River

This is another of the images that I had stored on Picasa (Google Photos.) This was done at Bob Pepper's Farm, on the Snoqualmie River. I was with Henk Pander at the time, who is painting with his elaborate watercolor setup just off canvas. His setup includes two medium sized folding card tables, and he works on large, oversize watercolors.

bob peppers farm pleinair

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Questions pertaining to acquiring works, enrolling in classes or workshops, or any related matters can be sent here. Gallery inquiries welcome.